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The non-profit Organization S4S was founded in 2014. We are committed to specific projects benefiting Syrian refugees in Lebanon. The allocation of the donations are used primarily in the fields of education as well as fulfilling certain urgent basic needs. The organization is independent and entirely neutral regarding political and religious affiliations.

Founders Tamer Amr and Jessica Mor frequently travel to their home country, Lebanon, each year. The aftermath of the Lebanese civil war from 1970 until 1990 and the subsequent wars and riots are still today clearly noticeable. The population and infrastructure has hardly recovered. Since the beginning of Syrian civil war in March 2011, Lebanon has seen up to 1,000 Syrian refugees entering per day, significantly burdening the host country.

Today, Syrian refugees account for over a third of the Lebanese population and the civil war in Syria continues. It has the largest refugee density in recent history and cannot cope with the refugee influx. With its already delicate balance of Christians and Muslims as well as Shiites and Sunnis, the instability, influx of weapons, and radical ideologies could easily tip Lebanon back into its own civil war.

Today, according to the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), only 13% of the cost of supporting Syrian refugees in Lebanon is being met by international governments, leaving the majority of the required basic human needs unfunded. Long-term measures need to be taken for Lebanon to play a pivotal role in preventing the ongoing Syrian tragedy.



Two of our students after school

Two of our students after school

SWISS4SYRIA's blanket distribution before winter

SWISS4SYRIA's blanket distribution before winter

Affected Population
Refugee settlements are often located in the poorest Lebanese communities, as the wealthier regions have sufficient police to prevent refugees from settling. In addition to this, many refugees do not receive direct aid from humanitarian organizations.

Our project not only addresses the educational needs of the Syrian "guests", but also employs local residents, providing much needed jobs.

With no end to the Syrian crisis in sight, it is unclear when the refugees will be able to return home. 

Leila Solh - Director BBJ. Read full bio.

Leila Solh - Director BBJ. Read full bio.


Beit Bil Jnoub (BBJ) was founded in the aftermath of the July 2006 war as a non-profit organization (registration number 320 Beirut) to assist municipalities and families in the reconstruction process. BBJ’s scope of work has been focused on reconstruction efforts in South Lebanon, as well as planning and implementing a number of development projects. We value community participation as being a fundamental element in the implementation of projects and ensures active engagement with targeted groups. Among the many projects that BBJ has completed, the following three present the diversity and significance of their work:

  • Under the project entitled “Good Governance for Enhanced Post War Reconstruction”, BBJ partnered with UNHABITAT, ACTED, Union of Municipalities of Sour, Jabal Amel, and Bint Jbeil, in the reconstruction of 3,200 totally destroyed residential units.

  • BBJ designed a training program for engaging unemployed youth in the construction sector. The project was implemented by the ILO in participation with a union of five municipalities in South Lebanon and the Directorate General of Technical Teaching.

  • BBJ led a project with a cluster of southern villages focusing on rainwater harvesting and introducing alternative agricultural practices for local economic development.